Wednesday, May 29, 2013

10 lbs? two weeks, I am down 10lbs.

Can you say psyched? 

It would be awesome if I could lose 10lbs every two weeks, but I am realistic and know it will get harder. But hey, it is a huge motivator! I slid a little bit over Memorial Day weekend, but happy to say I hit it hard again this week. Keeping my calories and macros in check and clocking time in that gym :)

Don't let one or two failures determine your future success.

Now, if only I could get some menus planned....people keep saying Pinterest, but Pinterest is like a black hole; once I get sucked in it takes hours to get back out.


Oh, and by the way, on days that you might wake up tired and dragging and your head says it's okay to skip just one scheduled workout...just know your body will thank you for it with an extra boost of energy when you need it most. Trust me, this morning I wanted nothing more than to stay in bed for another hour. 

So thankful I didn't.

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