Monday, June 24, 2013

A quick update

Alright readers, I know that Shannon and I haven't been posting weekly status updates and letting you know how the training is going.

Shannon and I have been doing different training sessions: Her's are early morning; mine are usually about an hour later.This past week I didn't work out as much as I have been. No excuses except I was sick.

I'm hoping that this week I can get back into training hard. After all the 5K that Shannon and I have been working so hard towards is 11 weeks away and I still can barely walk a mile with out feeling out of breath.

Readers, here's to a new week and to training hard!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Goals and rewards

Alright readers, I've been thinking hard and long about the rewards system for losing weight. I've read so many wonderful things about how that it's a great way to stay motivated to reach your goal.

So here is the list I've compiled for myself as goals that I would like to reach and the rewards that will go along with each goal reached

more and likely I will change some of these as I see fit when I need to. 

  • Lose 10 lbs by June 28                      
  • Treat myself to getting my nails done
·         Lose 25 lbs by August 20                        
·         New Shoes for the 5K
·         Lose 18 lbs by October  30                       
·         A new outfit 
·         Lose 25 lbs by January 30
·         A trip to the spa
·         Lose 25 lbs by May 9  I will have reached my goal of losing 103 lbs and my goal weight of 112 pounds!
·         A whole new wardrobe

I'm practically giving myself a year readers to do this! It's time to get serious and not lose focus until I reach this goal along with the accomplishing the 5K in September.


Monday, June 3, 2013


I haven't been losing the pounds like Shannon. I have, however, been losing inches. It's good either way. I would like to see the number on the scale start going down that way I know everything I'm doing is working.

I'm so tired of injuries though! UGH! Just when one thing heals, I seem to injure something else. 

Here's to a new week though. I'm full of motivation and hoping that with the healthier eating habits that I can drop some pounds this week. I'm hoping at least 10 lbs. (I'm hoping for that much.) I plan on drinking plenty of water and not eating so much junk food. 

Goals for this week:
* Workout everyday
* Stay focused
* Drink lots of water
* Try and stay away from processed foods

Well readers here's to a new week of staying focused!  

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

10 lbs? two weeks, I am down 10lbs.

Can you say psyched? 

It would be awesome if I could lose 10lbs every two weeks, but I am realistic and know it will get harder. But hey, it is a huge motivator! I slid a little bit over Memorial Day weekend, but happy to say I hit it hard again this week. Keeping my calories and macros in check and clocking time in that gym :)

Don't let one or two failures determine your future success.

Now, if only I could get some menus planned....people keep saying Pinterest, but Pinterest is like a black hole; once I get sucked in it takes hours to get back out.


Oh, and by the way, on days that you might wake up tired and dragging and your head says it's okay to skip just one scheduled workout...just know your body will thank you for it with an extra boost of energy when you need it most. Trust me, this morning I wanted nothing more than to stay in bed for another hour. 

So thankful I didn't.

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Well for me this week didn't go as planned. I went over on my calories, I didn't drink enough water, and I should have done more in terms of working out. I will next week though.
The over indulging happened Thursday night all the way through last night. Thursday I went to dinner with my parents. I tried to pick the healthier options but the rolls and butter took my calories over the edge. Friday, I went to lunch at Fazolis definitely didn't make a healthy choice there. But the over indulging didn't stop there. The movies: popcorn, soda (yes I could have got tea), a box of Reeses pieces, and a box of goobers (chocolate covered peanuts), and than a trip to cold stone for ice cream after. Definitely not the best choices this weekend. I am hoping that I can get back on track next week.


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Starting back up with walking

Today I decided that instead of getting on the bike right away I was going to test out my ankle and see how it would hold up with walking. I didn't do to bad. I walked a half a mile before pain started to kick in. Then I decided to get on the bike and finish out my workout strong. I completed 2.75 miles on the bike in 12 minutes and I feel great.

I will continue to go a little further each day with walking, so that way I can strengthen my ankle in hopes of making a full recovery in the next few weeks.

I plan on walking a little bit later another half mile and see if I feel any pain. Hopefully, I don't.

I know that when September 15 gets here, Shannon and I will be stronger and healthier. Here's to training and recovering.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

In It to Win It!

I know Kristy mentioned we are both recovering from injuries, it has left me in a strange spot. I hurt my ankle somehow and my doctor told me I needed to stop walking until it is completely healed.

Urghh...what? I am on a schedule here people!

It would have been so easy to just stop and say it is too hard. I considered it...all the way to the gym. But when I got there, I just made myself go inside and hit the stationary bike. No impact, no adverse reaction from my ankle and I went 5 miles the first day. Let me tell you, as one who has never been really athletic or active, I feel amazing.

We think we feel fine...until we really know what good feels like. Don't get me wrong, I have a long way to go to be where I should be, but I am thoroughly motivated to get there. On the positive side, I was brave enough to weigh-in this morning and am down six whole pounds. If that isn't motivation to keep going, I don't know what is!

After all, it isn't where I want to go, it's about how I get there.